PEMF Treatment Mats

For scientists, the abbreviation PEMF stands for pulsed electromagnetic fields. For your body, PEMF translates at the cellular level, where it improves the overall functioning of your body. The process of receiving PEMF involves sending energy waves to painful areas of the body. The waves go through completely and increase the spin of the electrons. As a result, the level of well-being is improved and the body can function more efficiently.

Aging and physical dysfunction start at the cellular level and, if left unchecked, result in numerous unwanted and difficult to treat symptoms.

PEMF is a relatively new impetus in the medical community, but is already gaining great popularity. The effects may not be immediately apparent, but using PEMF will help the body to keep functioning properly. PEMF is safe to use and only requires 15-20 minutes of exposure at a time to get the maximum daily benefits. Keeping sessions short prevents your cells from being over-stimulated and also maintains the quality of the internal flushing system. Discover PEMF and experience its well-being-restoring qualities for yourself.

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*PEMF is not suitable for those with a pacemaker, metal implants, or those pregnant. However, you will benefit from infrared at a lower temperature setting (30-35) without the PEMF feature.


Pain relief is one of the most important areas of medicine, but most pain treatment options are ineffective or cause harmful side effects. PEMF therapy is an effective and safe alternative. It promotes an increase in general well-being to help the body reduce pain after new injuries while recovering from surgery and minor chronic problems. In 1993, a study by the International Pain Research Institute concluded that brief exposure of the affected areas to PEMF therapy resulted in a significant reduction in pain.

In another 2007 study, 50 patients with chronic pain (about half with fibromyalgia) were treated with PEMF or a dummy device. They were treated with a headset that produces PEMF frequencies for a total of 4 weeks. By the end of the trial, the average recipient of the actual PEMF therapy experienced an approximately 20% reduction compared to the dummy group which achieved only a 4% reduction on average. (1, 2)

Temporarily Increase Local Circulation Where Applied

Temporarily Increase Local Circulation Where Applied
PEMF Increases Local Circulation Where Applied

PEMF Therapy promotes well-being by improving local blood circulation where applied. Researchers at Wake Forest University found that PEMF stimulation can be applied topically to increase vasodilation in any part of the body, resulting in improved circulation to that area.

Dilation of blood vessels means a reduction in blood pressure and a more relaxed state in which the body can transport blood to parts of the body. This promising finding indicates that PEMF can help the body’s ability to recover from injuries more quickly. (3)

PEMF Helps with Arthritis Pain and Stiffness

PEMF Helps with Arthritis Pain and Stiffness
PEMF Helps with Arthritis Pain and Stiffness

Rheumatoid arthritis is one of the most common chronic inflammatory diseases worldwide. If you’re one of the millions of people living with rheumatoid arthritis, you’ve probably struggled to find relief from the painful symptoms of joint swelling and inflammation. In a 1998 study published in the Journal of the Indian Medical Association, researchers determined that PEMF therapy can relieve painful symptoms of RA. Although seronegative RA patients had the best results, all patients experienced improvement, suggesting that PEMF may be a good supplement for relieving minor arthritis symptoms. (4)

Helps the Relief of Symptoms of Depression

Helps the Relief of Symptoms of Depression
PEMF Helps the Relief of Symptoms of Depression

About 30% of patients with depression are resistant to antidepressants. If you are one of these patients, PEMF therapy can be an ideal choice. PEMF has no known side effects, unlike antidepressants where the main concern is the amount of side effects. Common side effects of antidepressants include weight gain, insomnia, nausea, blurred vision, and many others. Psychiatric researchers in Denmark found that PEMF therapy, in combination with the use of antidepressants, significantly improved the symptoms of treatment-resistant patients with minimal to no side effects. The benefits of a noninvasive treatment for depression are manifold. Many people with depression are turned off by medications offered by doctors because of negative experiences they have had with them. (5)

Supplements the Reduction of Migraines

Supplements the Reduction of Migraines
PEMF Supplements the Reduction of Migraines

If you suffer from chronic migraines, you are well aware that the onset of a migraine can usually mean an unexpected end to your day. PEMF therapy is an alternative approach for patients looking for meaningful reduction in their migraines, in both frequency and pain management. In 1999, researchers in the United States examined the effects of PEMF on migraines. After one month of regular PEMF therapy, all affected patients reported fewer and less severe headaches. These results suggest that PEMF has the potential to be a temporary short-term intervention for millions of migraine patients. Again, PEMF does not cause harmful side effects and will not harm your brain in any way. If you are concerned about PEMF, you can always consult your healthcare provider first. (6)

Supports Efforts to Stimulate Bone Recovery

Supports Efforts to Stimulate Bone Recovery
PEMF Stimulate Bone Recovery

When a broken bone does not heal within an expected time frame, it is considered a “non-union”. Non-union fractures are serious medical complications that sometimes require risky orthopedic surgery. However, nonsurgical intervention is possible with PEMF therapy. PEMF therapy has been shown to speed up efforts to repair non-union fractures. In a 1999 study by the Bangladesh Medical Research Council, researchers applied PEMF stimulation to 13 long-term patients with non-suture fractures. Within 14 weeks, 11 of those 13 patients experienced successful bone stimulation. (7)

Helps Decrease Diabetic Factors

Helps Decrease Diabetic Factors
PEMF Helps Decrease Diabetic Factors

If you have diabetes, you may experience diabetic polyneuropathy (DPN), a symptom characterized by a feeling of weakness and numbness on both sides of the body. DPN can dramatically decrease your quality of life, but PEMF offers a chance for comfort. A 2003 study from Neuroscience and Behavioral Physiology found that PEMF therapy is linked to decreased DPN symptoms and nerve function. With PEMF treatment, diabetes patients can minimize the discomfort associated with DPN symptoms. (8)

PEMF May Help Trigger Nerve Repair

May Help Trigger Nerve Repair
PEMF May Help Trigger Nerve Repair

Research indicates that PEMF therapy can have a positive effect on nerve stimulation. In a 1993 Bioelectromagnetics Society study, researchers found that rats recovered more quickly from sciatic nerve injury when pretreated with PEMF therapy. While the mechanism behind this effect remains unknown, these findings offer hope to patients dealing with nerve damage or degeneration. (9)

PEMF Further Efforts to Increase Range of Motion

Further Efforts to Increase Range of Motion
PEMF Further Efforts to Increase Range of Motion

Cervical osteoarthritis causes a great reduction in range of motion. Patients struggle to stay mobile and move around as they once did. Thanks to PEMF therapy, these patients will find renewed hope. Research published in Clinical Rheumatology showed that PEMF treatment for 30 minutes twice daily for 3 weeks leads to a significant reduction in pain levels. According to the study, “Active ROM [Range of Motion], paravertebral muscle spasm and neck pain and disability scale (NPDS) scores improved significantly after PEMF therapy”. (10) With PEMF, you can take control of your body.